Set aside your to-do list and
treat yourself.
treat yourself.
Put aside your to-do list and treat yourself. Time to tune out the stress and turn up the wine. Be a part of the #ScrewitSociety – the couch wine tasters collective, the "it's-been-a-long-day" fatigued, and those of us who are totally OK with doing those laundry… tomorrow. Share with us your #ScrewitWine moment!
When it's time to unwind and take some much needed 'me time', Screw it! wines are there for you. Pick up your favourite varietal and invite the girls over for a catch-up, or simply indulge on your own when you finally get the house to yourself. Our wines are blended in BC from great quality grapes to deliver a smooth taste in every sip. We do the work, so you don't have to.